Thank You, Teens & Parents!

For sharing your happy stories, big and small. For encouraging others to take the leap of faith.

Testimonials, written with 💕

“Dr. Jain jump-started my health journey by giving me a safe space to open up about my challenges and struggles. She gave me tips and held me accountable. For example, a simple act like walking two miles a day slowly started to boost my confidence, and gave me the push to improve the other parts of my life, one at a time.”

Sanya Gupta, 24

New Jersey

“Dr. Jain has been an integral part of my teenage years. From her, I have learned to put my best foot forward in all my endeavors. I learnt how to manage my stress and anxiety to allow myself to perform my best every day. She has taught me that it’s okay to be uniquely imperfect. It’s how I approach my challenges and respond in tough situations that matter more than being perfect all the time.”

Kala Thapa, 19

North Carolina

“I can’t exactly say I’ve had a perfect life. I’ve been through my ups and downs. We all have, right? There was always one person that kept me going, and that person was Dr. Unnatti Jain. She has helped me through all the toughest spots I’ve had to climb through, either with my family, with life, or even with myself. She has this need to help kids and it radiates off of her as bright as the sun. She has cared in ways that nobody else has. She will sit there and listen to you and make you feel heard. Her wisdom and brilliant words always lit up a path that I could never see before. She knows just the right things to say. She has truly been an inspiration, and I will forever hold her in my heart.”

Zackery Kijiri, 19


“My sessions with Dr. Jain changed my life for the better. She helped me make goals and learn more about myself. Things I didn’t even know. She kicks your butt to think hard and accomplish things. When you don’t have anyone to turn to for advice, she’s there with the best guidance and advice.”

Shruti Sharma, 25

New Jersey

“Unnatti came highly recommended by a friend and I reached out to her for me and my daughter. She is a patient listener and gave customized guidance in areas we struggled with. The advice she gave me has been extremely positive in our lives. I highly recommend her to teenagers, young adults, and parents. Thank you, Unnatti! For your guidance.”

Poonam Gupta, Mother of a 16 and a 25 years old

New Jersey

“Where do I even begin? A year ago was when I started to get help from Unnatti and since then I truly have been happier than ever. In the first few sessions I had with Unnatti I could not say more than two words at a time. I was extremely closed off, I didn’t know how to articulate my emotions, and I didn’t want to accept what I was feeling inside my head. Unnatti made me understand that everything was going to be ok and I was going to get better. This was extremely hard to believe for me because I thought that this woman was never going to help me. Yet here I am. I am not only happier but I am truly happy. Unnatti helped me deal with the hell that is my high school and made me realize that I was pushing myself way past my limits. That was one of the main things that made me miserable. I learned to have a mentality that kept me pushing myself but not to the point where I would break. My mental and emotional health has improved greatly since I had Unnatti in my life. She is truly the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. Before her, I was a mess that always cried myself to sleep and I couldn’t maintain healthy relationships. Now I know how to communicate my grievances and my emotions with my friends and especially with my family. I have greatly improved my relationships with my mom, dad, and older sister. Of course, things aren’t perfect but they are definitely a lot better than what they used to be. I am truly grateful for Unnatti doing all that she did for me. I wouldn’t even be alive if it wasn’t for her.”

Prisha Sharma, 16

New Jersey

“We feel blessed to have found Unnatti through our known circle reference. In the initial days, it was very hard and challenging to believe that my kid would be able to overcome it. But she was persistent and showed confidence to help my kid back to their normal life. That really speaks about her knowledge, experience & professionalism in identifying my child’s issues and helping my girl to gain self-confidence and back to her normal self, where my child is happy & confident in their daily life. Words can’t describe our gratitude for your work in resolving this matter.”

Manish and Sunila Sharma, Parents of a 16 and a 24 years old

New Jersey

“My life totally changed after I met Dr. Jain. I used to be miserable, get angry for small things, anxious and depressed. I did her sessions and slowly things started changing. She gives tips that work wonders. I become calm, my self-esteem went up and I became confident. Another good thing that happened, is my relationship with my son did a complete 360 as I focused on myself. He is 16 years old now. He used to be anxious and we had arguments all the time. Now we are friends. We discuss his weight gain diet plan. He does house chores. We watch the grizzles Basketball games together. We practice gratitude every night. He says I am his inspiration. I am grateful to Dr. Jain for everything.”

Sarita Patnaik, 50


“I have engaged Dr. Unnatti Jain to help my kid address his social anxiety, focus, enhance his personality and self confidence and guide him to deal with day to day issues. She is very approachable, friendly, patient, and helpful. I have full faith in her and under her able guidance my child is able to develop and improve and have a positive attitude in life.”

Safalta Srivastava, 46

New Jersey

“Dr. Jain has been instrumental in helping me tackle everything life has thrown at me as I transition into adulthood. She has helped me progress both from a career and a personal perspective. Whether it be the challenges in dealing with people in the workplace or understanding how events from my past impact me today, she has helped me determine the right actions to help best position me for success.”

Raghav Gupta, 24

Toronto, Canada

If you have a happy story to share, write to us and tell us if Dr. Unnatti's magical approach has helped revive your connections with your teen?


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